Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

Hide Me

The Golden Filter have released the first single off their debut Album 'Voluspa' (26th April).
The song is called 'Hide Me' and a demo version has been floating around for more than a year.

Now they give us the polished version for free but it's also up on iTunes,
so please download it there to support them!

Samstag, 6. Februar 2010

Balmy Nights

Matt Van Schie will finally release his first EP which is called 'Balmy Nights'.
It'll be available on CD at his website mattvanschie.com next week and contains the four tracks that are uploaded on his myspace.

Saturday Night
Two Love

And very soon after that we'll also get a vinyl.
Matt is still working with his band Van She because he "loves to be busy"...